Downsend School

Upgraded Pool Plant System Installation

Sean Brydges met the site manager for Downsend school whilst tutoring a PWTAG accredited national pool plant operators certificate course in August 2018. Following the industry standards discussed on the course, the school commissioned PPE ltd to install an upgraded pool plant system, including new circulation pumps, a flow meter, filter pressure gauges, an automatic chemical dosing controller and a compact medium pressure wafer ATG UV sterilisation unit along with new pipelines throughout the pool plant system.

Pool Plant Upgrade

We have delivered an entire Pool plant upgrade which included:

  • Installed UV
  • Reconfigured pipework from circulation pumps towards filtration
  • Installed a new circulation pump
  • Fitted non –return valve on sump line
  • Installed flow meter
  • Installed four filter inlet/outlet gauges to filter pipelines.
  • Installed a fast-fill system
  • Installed new chemical control dosing system

Chemical dosing project

To separate acid /alkali chemistry

  • Removed Hydrochloric acid day tank and carboy’s, and install drip tray and new dosing pump with dosing lines in plant room away from Sodium Hypochlorite storeroom.
  • Installed new sodium hypochlorite dosing pump and dosing lines.

Both projects were completed, with the client happy with the work. The UV system has allowed the pool to work with less chlorine and lower combined chlorine levels have been achieved.

We have also managed to increase the flow rate of the pool from 50m3 an hour to 70m3 plus an hour. PPE are now working closely with the site management team, providing further training courses and an ongoing service and maintenance schedule.

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Register Your Interest

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